When I had enough original origami models in my deviantart profile I asked other devious folders to give me a feedback about my work. Most of them didn't responded to my request, in fact only one did, but was the one I cared the most: David Derudas, an Italian origamist whose models are beautifully detailed and strongly founded in geometry (you can se his Flickr gallery here http://www.flickr.com/photos/orsobrusco/sets/72157601342871369/). His comment was completely out of the blue:
"your origami subjects are very inusual! :)" Derudas D., 2007
When I read that I really didn't knew what to think, Is that a bad thing? I looked at my gallery and I got it, something that I hadn't considered before: my models (at least until then) were not animals, dinosaurs, insects, dragons, or modular geometric figures. In that time I just had video game and trading card game characters.
I began to look at other folders' galleries and I got the conclusion than many origamists' first original models are just that: unusual models! The cause is very simple, not everyone likes the same things, the same animals, the same movies, the same videogames etc. Then one day you want to see your favorite spaceship from a weird anime made in origami but no one else has made it, and if someone has, the chances that there is a diagram or even a CP are nanometrical, so you try, fail, try again, fail, try with a larger sheet of paper and finally you got it! You very first original model is a FX-gallactic-ninja-2000 spaceship that only the cousin who showed you the anime will recall.
Finally I want to show you one these "unusual origami" models that left me breathless, this is obviously not the case I talked about, this is a true masterpiece by Shuki Kato. As I said I'm not expecting everyone to distinguish it, and if you don't, you REALLY SHOULD.
This picture is actually out of his gallery because he has already enhanced the model, you can see the new version and his other beckoning original models here.
Die trying.
Is it from Evangelion?
ReplyDeleteshure, its the EVA001, the purple one ;)